RBO Directions, 1960

Griha Vyavastha Vibhag Notification No. U.0320-HIXXXVII-50(20)- H-59.-ln exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14 of the U.P. Regulation of Building Operations Act. 1958 (U.P. Act No. X30C1V of 1958). The Governor is pleased to issue the following directions for all Regulated Area :


Short title and extent:-

  • These directions may be called the A of  U.P. (Regulation of Building Operations) Directions. 1960 and they shall come in to into force with effect from August 1, 1960.
  • They shall apply to all areas notified as Regulated Areas under the U,P.,(Regulation of building Operations) Act. 1958.
  • The provisions contained in these directions shall be in addition fee and to the provisions of any building by laws of any local authority Constituted with the Regulated Area.
  • The term 'Act' wherever used in those Directions shall mean the 1 J. 11. (Regulation  of Building Operations) Act, 1958.
  • In these directions unless the context otherwise requires-
  • The expression 'Coloniier' and 'Colony' shall have the same meaning as is assigned to them under the U.P. (Regulation of building Operations) Regulations. 1960.
  • 'Existing built up area' means the area within- a regulated area of which  the greater part has been developed as a business, industrial or residential area and which has been provided with an  all essential facilities like roads, water supply sewerage and the  electricity etc:
  • 'Floor Space Index' means ratio between the net area of the plot and the total floor area of all the floors of the building,
  • 'Estate' includes and portion of land within a regulated area which is available for development as a colony:
  • 'Land' includes everything on the land and under the land including buildings. roads, lakes. rivers. canals and ponds, etc.
  • 'Master plan' means the plan of the regulated area prepared under Direction 10-A of these Directions;]
  • 'Non-conforming use' means such substituting use of land or building within the regulated area since before the commencement of the Act as is not consistent with the Master Plan of that Area, if any;
  • 'Open space' means any. land left open and unbuilt or laid out and developed as a public garden or park which is being used for any other public recreational purpose;
  • Person' means any individual, society, colonizer, a company or Government department other than the Defence Department of the Government of India;
  • 'Street or road' means and highway, street,lane, alley stairway, passageway, footway, squares planes of bridge, whether a thoroughfare or not, over which the public have a right of passage or access and includes all bunds, channels, ditches, storm water, drains, culvert, sidewalk traffic island, roadside trees and hedges retaining walls, fences, barriers and railings within the road lines.
  • 2.(I)Every person required to take permission under Section 6 of the Act shall make an application in writing to the Prescribed Authority in the form prescribed from time to time by the Controlling Authority and such application shall be accompanied by such plans and statements in triplicate as are detailed thereafter in Direction Nos. 3 and 4.  The plans may be ordinary ferro prints of which one set will be mounted on cloth.  The mounted set shall be maintained in the office of the Prescribed Authority for record.                                   
  • (ii) No application shall be entertained unless it is accompanied with a receipt indicating the deposit of the prescribed charge

Plans to accompany applications for permission

  • All applications for permission shall be  accompanied by the following plans:
  • A site plan (drawn on a scale of not less than 24 feet to an inch in case of building plans and 64 feet to an inch in the case of sub division of land) containing the following information  
  • The boundaries of the site with dimensions and also of any contiguous land belonging to the  owner, specifying khasra number or other local denomination where available.
  • The position  of the proposed building on the site and of other buildings, if any, which the applicant intends, to erect upon his contiguous land and where the land is sub-divided, the boundaries of the other portion of the land  so sub divided and all adjacent street, building and premises within a distance of 110 feet of the site or the contiguous land.
  • The means of access from an existing street to the proposed building and to other buildings, if any, which the applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous land.
  • The set back of the building all around.
  • Location of the area within the Master Plan.
  • The position of all existing structures, kachcha or pacca including religious, building, aerial lines, telegraphs and electric poles, trees etc. within a distance of 50 feet from the edge of the site.
  • The present and proposed use of the land or site.
  • Major physical characteristics of the land proposed to be developed, the approximate locations and width of any arterial road, water course etc.
  • Scale and north point.
  • Plinth level and levels of adjacent roads in layout plans.
  • Detailed layout plan on the same scale as the site plan showing location and width of all streets and dimensions and uses of all plots in which the site is proposed to be divided and also showing
  • location of drains, sewers, public spaces, utility services, electric lines and sewage.
  • Area set apart for road, open spaces, playgrounds, schools or other public buildings
  • In distinctive notations all uses to which land is to be put.
  • A detailed building plan showing -
  • building elevation and sections, with distinct indication of proposed and existing works:
  • Arrangement for proper drainage including -
  • Floor plans of all floors, together with the covered area, accessory buildings and basement plans and terrace plans (such drawings shall clearly indicate the sizes and spacing of supporting members sizes of rooms etc.)
  • Location of essential services. e.g. W.C. sink both and the like:
  • Sectional drawings showing clearly  the sizes of footings, thickness of basement walls and all     roofs, slabs and floor slab, wall construction, sizes  and spacing  of frame members, ceiling heights and parapet of heights with their materials. (The section shall  indicate the drainage and the slope of the roof and at least one  section shall be taken through the staircase).
  • All street elevations;
  • Dimensions of the projected portions be void the permissible building line:
  • Name and address of the owner of the land or site:
  • Name of the Engineer or Architect Supervisor responsible for the execution of the project, provided the valuation thereof is   more than Rs. 50.000/
  • North line and scale used.

Statements to accompany applications for permission.-

  • All applications for permission shall be accompanied   by the following statements-
  • a statement containing general specifications of all improvements proposed to be made within the area. e.g. grading and paving of roads and street 1s provision of gutters, side drains, provisions, of sufficient and safe water supply and arrangement of sewage disposal and lighting and development of parks and play fields:
  • the purposes for which land or structure is to be used and written analysis of allocation of land for different purposes:
  • detailed specifications, material to be used and estimated cost of the development for the area;
  • quality and quantity of effluent in respect of industrial concerns;
  • any other  statement as may be required by the Prescribed Authority with the approval of the Controlling Authority.

Land adjoining Government property :-

In case of an application pertaining to land within 100  feet of the property or road maintained by the Public Works Department, Military, Irrigation or any other Government department, or belonging to a Railway Administration, the application shall be in duplicate and the plans in quadruplicate.  One copy of application and plans shall on receipt be forwarded by the Prescribed  Authority to the Officer-in-Charge of the department,  concerned for report before permission is granted and such officer  shall report to the Prescribed  Authority  within thirty days from the date of receipt of the copy of the application whether or not he has any objection to the proposed development of land or construction.  In case such officer fails to report within the stipulated period of thirty days. It shall be assumed that he has no objection to the proposed development of land or construction. 

Withdrawal of the application:-

If an applicant withdraws the application within fifteen days of the date of the application no action will be taken on his application and the fees paid by him shall be refunded.


In case if the applicant  desires that the plans and  statements under the Directions 3 and 4 be prepared by the Town and Village Planner, he shall have to pay in advance the fees at the rate prescribed below which shall not be refunded in case of withdrawal of application.

Area of land


(i)For area not exceeding 25 acres or part thereof.

Rs.15 per acre subject to a minimum of Rs.200

(ii)For an area exceeding 25 acres but not exceeding 100 acres

Rs.15 per acre for first 25 acres and Rs.8 for each additional acre.

(iii) For area exceeding 100 acres.

Rs.15 per acre for first 25 acres, Rs.8 per acre next 75 acres and Rs.5 per acre for each additional acre.

Note 1.-

In case, the applicant does not furnish the survey plan of the area and the Prescribed Authority for the Town and Village Planner is required to carry out the surveys, the applicant shall have to pay the fees at double the rates specified above.

Note 2.-

The above scale fees shall be applicable to the preparation  of the layout only. As regards the buildings plans the rates prescribed in Financial Handbook (Annexure C), Volume V, Part I, shall apply.

Note 3.-

No extra charge shall be made for the first seven blue Prints of such plans but payment at the rate of 25 n.p. per square foot subject  to maximum of Re. 1 will be charged for every additional blue print of such plans.

Sanctioning of plans and statements.-

  • (a) The Prescribed Authority shall not approve the plans or 'Statements unless it Is satisfied that :
  • The plans and statements enclosed with the application are in accordance with the standards prescribed under , these directions. and contain sufficient material to judge the suitability of the proposed work.
  • The development and proposed use of the land and standards are in conformity with the proposal and standards of the Master Plan of the regulated area approved by the Controlling Authority.
  • The prescribed fees have  been paid to the Prescribed Authority and attested copy of the receipt of such payments is attached.
  • The area proposed to be developed can be economically served with such normal public facilities and services as are suitable in the circumstances of the particular case.
  • The land proposed to be developed is suitable for the purpose for which it Is intended and in particular where land is intended to be- used as a building site, it can be used safely without being flooded or without detriment to health, or public welfare.
  • All streets, roads. open spaces have been suitably graded paved drained, sewered and lighted in accordance with the approved standards and specifications of the Prescribed Authority and the site is suitably drained.
  • The applicant has entered into an agreement with the local body concerned for the development of the land and for provision of other amenities and has either deposited the full estimated cost of the development and provision of other amenities with that local body in advance or has given to It a bank guarantee equivalent to such cost, or has entered into an agreement with that local body, providing that the full cost thereof may be realised by it out of the sale-proceeds of the plots that may be sold by the applicant:
  • Provided that any such agreement between the applicant and the local body may provide for any part of the development and provision of other amenities being carried out by the applicant himself, however, that in respect of any such part he shall give adequate security to the local body to secure that he shall carry out' such part of the development and provide other amenities in
  • accordance with the approved standards and specifications to the satisfaction of the Controlling Authority:
  • Provided further that if the applicant so desires he may mortgage the entire land with local body before the layout is sanctioned and  enter into an agreement with it providing that the plots shall   be released for sale by it on condition that 50 per cent of the sale price or the proportionate cost of development and provision of other amenities whichever is higher, is before the release of each plot. deposited towards the payment of development charges to the local body].
  • The Prescribed Authority may either sanction or refuse the plans and statements or may sanction them with such modification as It may deem necessary, and thereupon it shall communicate its decision to the applicant. In the case of refusal. the Prescribed Authority shall communicate the reasons for the same:
  • Provided that In case of an application pertaining to land referred to in direction No. 5 the Prescribed Authority shall, before according sanction to the plan, refer it to Government for final approval.
  • (c)No fee shall be refunded in case permission is not accorded by the Prescribed Authority the applicant shall be allowed to re-submit within 1 the plans and the period of one, year from the date of rejection statements without, any fee after complying with all the objections raised by the Prescribed Authority. If the submission of plans and statements is made after a year, fees shall be pace afresh.
  • (d)If the plans and statement  submitted with the applications under Directions 3 and 4 do not in any respect satisfy the provisions contained in these directions or any regulations in that behalf the Prescribed Authority may at any time within 60 days from the receipt of the notice require the applicant by written notice, to modify, amend or alter them in such manner as to bring them in conformity with such directions or regulations.

Duration of  sanction. -

  • The sanction once given shall remain valid up to three years during which all works in connection with the execution and development of land or estate for the purpose of construction of building shall have to be completed and a certificate from the prescribed Authority as to the suitability for building operations shall have to be obtained:
  • Prescribed firstly that after the expiry of the period of the initial sanction of three years, the Prescribed Authority may on an application made by the colonizer in that behalf renew the sanction for a period of one year at a time subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Prescribed Authority may think fit to impose:
  • Provided secondly, that no renewal fee shall be charged from coloniser at the time of the first renewal;
  • Provided thirdly, that the colonizer, if so required by the Controlling Authority, shall at the time of any renewal of sanction to execute an agreement containing conditions and restrictions referred  to in the first proviso and shall furnish such security or securities the Controlling Authority may demand for the fulfillment of such agreement
  • An application for renewal of sanction shall be made at least two months before the expiry of the period of such sanction.
  • Nothing In Sub-para (2) shall be deemed to affect the powers of the Prescribed Authority to renew the sanction on an application given after the period prescribed therefor.
  • Where the sanction expires the colony shall be deemed to be without sanction until it is renewed in the manner heretofore provided.

Powers to stay action where progress is not according to sanctioned plan.-

  • Should the Prescribed Authority determine at any time that the execution of the layout plan and the construction or other works is not proceeding according to sanctioned plans and statements or is below specification or is in violation of any provisions of these directions or any regulations or bylaws for the time being in force it shall notify the person, who has obtained sanction to that effect and require him to make necessary adjustments and corrections.
  • Should the person holding the sanction fail to comply with the requirement as aforesaid at any stage, the Prescribed Authority may. in Consultation with the Controlling Authority. cancel the sanction after affording him an opportunity to show cause against the proposed cancellation. On the cancellation of the sanction no further works shall 1)e undertaken or carried out or 1)e permitted at site until d fresh sanction has been thereafter obtained.

A. Preparation of Master Plan.-

  • If in the opinion of the State Government any regulated area requires to be developed according to a Master Plan, it may cause such plan  to be prepared either through the Controlling Authority or through such other agency as the  State Government may think fit.
  • The Master Plan shall be comprehensive plan showing therein  the existing and proposed location and general layout of-
  • Arterial streets and transportation lines:
  • Residential sections:
  • Business areas:
  • Industrial areas:
  • Educational institutions:
  • Public Parks, play grounds and other recreational facilities;
  • Public and semi-public buildings: and
  • Other land-uses which are necessary.
  • On receipt of the orders of the State Government, the Controlling Authority or the agency, as the case may be, shall prepare the draft Master Plan and thereafter publish notice in at least one newspaper having circulation in that area, indicating the place or places copies of the plan may be inspected and inviting objections in writing from the public with respect to the  Master plan within period of not less than thirty days from the date of the notice is published in the newspaper.
  • After expiry of the aforesaid period, the Controlling Authority or the agency, as the case may be, if it deems necessary, appoint with the  prior approval of State Government a committee consisting of three members, one of whom shall be Town Planner, to consider the objections and submit its report within such time as may be fixed in this  behalf.
  • The Controlling Authority or the agency or the committee referred to above, as the case may be shall allow reasonable opportunity of being heard to any person including representatives of Government Department or Local Authorities who have filed any objections and who have made a request for being so heard.
  • The Controlling Authority  or the agency, as the case may be, shall after considering the objections and the report of the committee, if any finalize the Master Plan and shall submit the Master Plan along with its comments to the State Government for approval.
  • The State Government may either approve the Master Plan without modifications, or with such modifications or with such modifications as it may consider necessary or reject the Plan with directions  to the Controlling Authority or the agency as the case may be, to prepare a fresh plan according to  such directions.
  • Immediately after a plan has been approved by the State Government the Controlling Authority or the agency, as the case may be, shall publish it in such manner as the State Government may specify stating that the plan has been approved and naming a place where a copy of the plan may be inspected at all reasonable hours and upon the date of first publication of the aforesaid notice the plan shall come into operations).

B. Amendment of the Master Plan.-

  • If in the opinion of the  State Government, the Master Plan of any regulated area requires to be amended, the State Government may cause the draft of such an amendment to be prepared either by the Controlling Authority or by such other agency as the State Government may think fit.
  • On receipt of the orders of the State Government, the Controlling Authority or the agency, as the case may be, shall prepare the draft amendment  of the Master Plan and thereafter publish a notice for information of the public in at least one newspaper having circulation  in that area indicating the place or places where copies of the draft may be inspected and invite objections in writing from the public with respect to the draft within a period of not less than thirty days from the day of notice is published in the newspaper.
  • After expiry of the aforesaid period, the Controlling Authority or the agency as the case may be, if it deems necessary, appoint with the prior approval of the State Government a committee consisting of three f whom, shall be a Town Planner to consider the objections and submit its reports within such time as may be fixed in this behalf.
  • The   Controlling Authority or the Agency, or the Committee referred to above as the case may be, shall allow reasonable opportunity of being heard to any person Including representatives of the Government Departments or Local Authorities who have filed any objections and who have made a request for being so heard.
  • The Controlling Authority or the agency, as the case may be, shall after considering the objections and the report of the committee. if any finalize the draft and shall submit along with its comments to the State Government for approval.
  • The State Government may either approve   the draft without modification, or with such modifications as it may consider necessary, or reject the draft with directions to the Controlling Authority or the Agency, as the case may be. to prepare a fresh draft to such directions.
  • Immediately after the draft amendment of the Master Plan. the Controlling Authority or the agency. as the case may be, shall publish in such manner as the  State Government may specify stating that the such manner as  Amendment of the Master Plan has been approved and name a place where a copy of the Amendment of the Master Plan may be inspected at all reasonable hours and upon the date of first publication of the aforesaid notice the amendment of the Master Plan shall come into operations].

Adjustment of boundaries of land In connection with the layout plan.-

  • In pursuance of these directions, the Prescribed Authority may for the purpose of securing a proper laying out of street roads and plots or for development of any land through which the street or road is to run or for the widening of any existing street. or for the implementation of any of the proposals of the Master Plan, require the applicant to provide for the following or any one of them as the case may be-
  • for the adjustment or alteration of the boundaries of the land and any other land adjacent or near thereto and for effective exchanges of land in connection therewith, and
  • for the removal. modification of imposition of covenants. restriction and conditions attaching to the land.
  • (2) Should it be so necessary to implement the provision of Clause (a) above the Prescribed Authority may, with the approval of the Controlling Authority. purchase any land by agreement or by Compulsory acquisition as the case may be.

Existing non-conforming use of land.-

  • Any non-conforming use may continue to exist with the following limitations:-
  • Change to another non-conforming use will not be permitted
  • The non-conforming use will not ordinarily be remitted to  be  extended or enlarged, provided that the Controlling Authority may in special circumstances, allow such extension or enlargement in the general public interest or with a view  to securing greater economy in the working of the existing non- conforming use to such terms and conditions and for such period as it may deem proper.

Street regulations.-

  • The streets to be made shall comply the following requirements:
  • Street continuation.-The centre lines of all streets and roads In the layout plan shall be in continuance or shall join the centre 1Pnes of the existing street or roads in adjacent or continuous territory. If straight continuations are not physically possible, such centre lines may be continued by curves.
  • Street width.-(a) Local streets, except as hereinafter provided, shall have a minimum width of 30 feet but a street adjoining a park. or any open public space with building only on one side, may however, have a minimum width of 25 feet.
  • Streets. which are likely to be extended to serve other a those which are more than 400 feet in length. shall have a minimum width of 40 feet and those which are more the feet in length shall have a minimum width of 60 feet an which extend to more than 2.000 feet in length. shall minimum width of 80 feet.
  • Road on steep hill side.-Registrations regarding the width of local streets in steep bill side may be relaxed by the Prescribe Authority to suit the contour. with the prior approval of the Controlling Authority.
  • Inter-section of streets.-Streets shall intersect one another  at right angles or near to a right angle as may be practicable but no Inter-section shall be at an angle less than 30 degrees.
  • Sanitary Lanes.--Where no sewer line exists sanitary lane with a minimum width of 12 feet may 'be provided for the disposal of refuse in the rear of all the plots on which no houses are to be constructed.
  • Rounding off at inter-section.-Rounding off with 10 feet radius shall be provided at each inter-section.
  • Lead end street.-Where a lead end street Is permitted. a adequate turning area of a minimum radius of 30 feet shall t provided and the length of such street shall not exceed 200 feet.
  • Set back of building- In existing built up areas, if a building  or part thereof is to be erected on a site, abutting a street less than 12 feet in width the owner of the site shall be required to leave unbuilt such portion of the site as falls within 6 feet from the centre of the street. He shall also be required to provide further set back of at least 4 feet width in front of part thereof, which is proposed to be erected.
  • (ix) Length of blocks.-Blocks shall not exceed     60  feet in length. unless on the basis of previous adjacent layout or topographical conditions, a variation from the requirement has been allowed by the Prescribed Authority.

Percentage of area under open  spaces, roads. and streets.-

  • Ordinarily not less than 10 per cent, of the total area of the land covered by a lay-out plan relating to the sub-division of land or for the development of any street shall be provided as open spaces for the purpose of children's park or other outdoor recreational use.
  • where due  to incorporation of the streets proposals of the Master Plan in the lay-out the percentage under roads and open spaces exceeds 45 per cent of the total area. the Prescribed Authority may, with the approval of the State Government. pay compensation for such excess.

Utilization of open spaces.-

Areas provided for open spaces shall not be built upon in any way or used for purposes other than parks, playgrounds or other recreations. These may, however, be permitted by the Prescribed Authority to be used for purposes of public entertainment for a period not exceeding 90 days unless, for special reasons to be recorded the Prescribed Authority may grant a further extension not exceeding 30 days. In lieu of this permission, no permanent structures shall be built upon the land and any structures built during the period shall be removed at the end of the period to which the permission relates. All structures temporarily built upon the land shall conform to such restrictions as the Prescribed Authority may deem fit to impose.

Suitability of the site for development.-

No building shall be erected on a site liable to flood or on a slope forming on angle of more than 45 with the horizontal plain or on soil unsuitable for percolation or in sandy beds. or on site which comprises or includes a pit, a quarry or other excavation, or on damp site or filled up site, unless in the case of filled up site, the foundations are laid on firm soil.

Minimum size of plot.-

  • Every plot for residential use shall have an area of not less than 1.800 sq. ft. In the case of existing developed areas. the minimum area of such a plot may be permitted to be 1900 sq. ft.]. In exceptional cases, however, the total area required for construction of building for residential or business purposes may be  reduced by the Prescribed Authority with the consent of the Controlling Authority.
  • The minimum area for an industrial plot shall not be less  than 6.000 sq. ft.

Number of building on each plot.-

  • Not more than one  building shall be erected on any one plot:
  • Provided that the aforesaid restrictions shall not apply to the construction of kitchen, store, servant quarters and garage

Yard and set back limits.-

  • Each structure hereinafter erected shall be provided with the front side and rear yard as under:
  •    10     12     5     10   10

From 251 to

Size of plot

Residential Area

   Business Area 

  Factory Area










Upto 250 sq Yds

500 sq yds











From 501 to 1,000 sq yds 
More than 1,000

Note 1. 

In case of corner plots side space along the street shall not be less than the minimum, front yard require on adjoining plot fronting on such side street

Note 2 :

In case of business area front yard shall be in the form of a contiguous arcade and will be utilised as a covered footpath and no obstruction shall be allowed nor shall any construction on the first floor on such  arcade be permitted.

Note 3:

  • In exceptional circumstances, the Prescribed  Authority  with the a approval of the Controlling Authority relax their requirements of yards as Mentioned in the above table.
  • Houses, whether semi detached or detached, shall be given a side yeard not less than that specified above.  In case of semi detached houses the side which the side yeard is to be left shall be prescribed by the Prescribed Authority.
  • In case of terraced houses or contiguous row of houses the 8 yard mentioned In the table above shall not be left except in corner plots.                
  • On plots occupied by residential buildings only, not more than per cent of the length of the rear yard may be occupied by one storey building of accessory use, such as kitchens store, W.C. bath, servants quarters and garage.

Site Coverage.-

  • The maximum covered area of different classes  building shall be governed by the following conditions:
  • In business or Commercial premises.-The covered area may extend to a maximum of 75 per cent of the total area of plot provided that there is arrangement for sufficient off street facilities for parking, loading and unloading of vehicles on same plot or building.

In industrial premises.-

  • The covered area may extend to a  maximum of 60 per cent, of the total area of the plot provided  that the remaining area is sufficient for the  facilities of  parking, loading and unloading.
  • Residential premises.-The  covered area shall be as under:-
  • Upto 250 sq. ft.  66 per cent. of the plots area.
  • From 251 to 500 sq. yds.  First 250 sq. yds. at 66 per cent of the total area of plot or a fraction thereof.
  • Next 50 sq. yds. at 50 per cent. of the total area of plot or fraction thereof.
  • From 501 to 1.000 sq. yds. First 250 sq. yds. at 66 per cent. of the total area of plot.
  • Next 250 sq. yds. at 50 per cent. of the total area of the plot.
  • Next 500 sq. yds. or fraction thereof at 40   per cent. of the total area plot.
  • More than 1.000 sq. yds.  First 250 sq. yds. at 66 per cent. of the total area of plot.
  • Next 250 sq. yds. at 50 per cent. of the total area of plot.
  • Next 500 sq. yds. at 40 per cent. of the total area of plot.
  • Above 1.000 sq. yds. or fraction thereof at 33 per cent of the total area of plot.

Minimumsize and requirement of ventilation for a habitable room:

  • The minimum area of a habitable room shall not be less than 100 sq. yds. with a width not less than 9 feet and the minimum area of kitchen, bath. latrine : and combined bath and latrine shall not be less than 60 sq. ft.. 16 sq. ft.and 12 sq. ft and 28 sq. ft. respectively. It shall derive its ventilation though an open verandah or directly from a street or a Courtyard.
  • Every room except store shall, for admission of light hare at least one window, opening directly to open air, or in open verandah. The aggregate  open area of all the windows shall not be less than 10 per cent of the floor area.
  • The dimensions of the Courtyard shall not be less than half the height of each of the opposite side walls.


  • The maximum height of any building shall be subject to the limit that no part of such building is out by a plan drawn at 45 degrees angle from the opposite edge of the road or street.
  • Provided that in the developed areas construction of a building with ground floor, first floor and a mamti on the second floor shall be Permitted even of it goes beyond the plan drawn at 45 degrees angle from the opposite edge of the road or street.
  • The height of all rooms likely to be used for habitation shall not be less than 10 feet measured from the surface of the floor to the lower point of the ceiling:                 
  • Provided that the minimum headway at any point in the room shall not be less than 9 feet.
  • In cases of public or religious buildings the domes,minarets and Shikars shall be exempted from height limitations.

Architectural control.-

  • The Prescribed Authority may provide for all or any of the following:
  • Compulsory height on the front or side exposed to view from street or road upto which a building shall have to be erected.
  • Compulsory height floors:
  • Compulsory height and design of cornice stills, top of windows, sunshades projection in the first and higher floors.
  • Compulsory building line along with building, shall have to be erected.
  • Compulsory type design of balconies.
  • Compulsory design of front facade of the building.

Car Parking.-

  • The Prescribed Authority may in the case of sub-division of land direct the applicant to provide within the limit  specified under Clause (a) of Direction No.14. such off-street parking spaces as it may consider necessary.
  • No off-street parking space shall be less than 200 sq. feet in area

Power of State Government to review orders passed under any of the foregoing directions.-

The State Government may examine. Moto or otherwise, any order passed by the Prescribed Authority or the Controlling Authority under any of the forgoing directions with a view to satisfying itself as to the corrections legality or propriety thereof and may pass such orders as it may deem fit.


Direction No. 25 is unauthorized in so far as it empowers the State Government to interfere directly with orders passed by the Prescribed Authority in specific  cases.