Biswan town situated along Sidhauli-Jahangirabad road between 27049’ N & 8100’ E longitude in district Sitapur of Lucknow commissionaire of Uttar Pradesh. This town is the Headquarter of Tehsil Biswan which is an important tehsil. This town is approx 34 km away from Sitapur and 83 km away from the Lucknow. This town is also connected to the sitapur headquarter via Sitapur-Budhwal railway line and State Highway No 26. Within the Regulated area; Sidhauli road, Sitapur road, Laharpur road, Jahangirabad road and other local roads have major role in regional and local traffics. Biswan town and nearby areas are situated at 400-500 feet high from the mean sea level. Average rainfall in this area is 700-1200 MM. During the winter season minimum temperature has been 80 C (470 F) and summer season maximum temperature has been 460 C (1150 F).
Development of town Biswan started from a hut then continues in form of Ashram, small settlement and Village and thereafter grown as a Town. Along with its development & Expansion gradually it is become headquarter of tehsil Biswan and a major town of its region. After establishment of railway station, well connectivity of roads with major towns, establishment of sugar mill and carpet industry, Biswan get a new dimension of development.
To regulate the unplanned and uncontrolled development of Biswan Town was declared as regulated area by the GO No. 200/37-3-87-6R.A.-86 Lucknow, Dated: 01 May, 1987 under sub section 1 of section 3 of the U.P. (RBO) act 1958 comprising Biswan Nagar Palika and adjacent 14 villages.
State Government by G.O. No. 765/9-आ-3-2001-5 महा0/2000 Dated 08-08-2001 has approved the Master Plan-2021 for Biswan town.